Shaman’s Visionary Pathways
3 Ancient Wisdom Keys to Stop Spinning Your Wheels and Step Into Your Greater Purpose with Ease.
Free Master Class on Saturday, January 21, 2023, at 9:00 am PT
All – New 12 Week Course beginning Monday, January 30, 2023, at 5:00 pm PT.

Are you feeling like you are meant for more in life and you aren’t living into that?
Would you love to apply proven shamanic healing methods to link up with your true sources of power?
Then this online MasterClass is for you!
In the spirit of serving you, I am offering to support YOU and your growth with my FREE MasterClass,
Get instant access to the Shaman’s Visionary Pathways MasterClass before it expires. When you sign up you will also get your free Guidebook.
In Shaman’s Visionary Pathways, I will show you how to overcome hidden barriers, stop derailing your path with doubt and anxiety, and guide you toward living the life of your Calling, no matter where you are in your life’s path right now.
Please join me in my FREE MasterClass, Shaman’s Visionary Pathways!
This is your time!
In over 25 years of leading Vision Quests internationally and undergoing initiations with shamans for over four decades, one thing I know for sure is that your longing for a more fulfilling life with greater purpose, matters.
In this groundbreaking and fun MasterClass you will learn:
~Ancient Wisdom Keys for designing and activating your crystal clear Soul’s Purpose
~The proven path to manifestation known only by shamans – to help eliminate the “hard work,” stress and worry for you
~The formula for exactly how to identify invisible, hidden beliefs that are keeping your clarity of purpose at bay
~I have a special gift for you just for attending
Your breakthrough awaits!
My all-new, 90-day, Shaman’s Visionary Pathways – The Proven Methods of Healing & Living Your Soul’s Purpose, begins on January 30, 2023, 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm PT!
You will receive the guidance of a highly experienced shamanic teacher and vision quest guide who is a premier authority and compassionate mentor in this transformative work! Beth is known as the Tony Robbins of Vision Questing and shamanism.
You’ll be part of an intimate, awesome tribe of support and motivation every week for 90 days on the Zoom platform.
And More.
Let’s talk.